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This Standard Reference Material (SRM®) is intended for use in the evaluation of methods and the calibration of instruments used in the determination of total sulfur in fuel oils or materials of a similar matrix. NIST-1616b consists of a special low sulfur kerosene (No. 1-K) suitable for use in non flue-connected burner appliances and for use in wick-fed illuminating lamps, as described in ASTM D 3699-92 Specification for Kerosene. A unit of NIST-1616b consists of 100 mL of the low sulfur kerosene in an amber glass bottle. Certified value /// Sample value(s) - please ask for current certificate.


Health hazard
Environmental hazard



Certificate of Analysis (specimen)

Reference Material CoA specimen: for the current lot, please contact your customer service representative at

Product data sheet

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NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST provides over 1300 Standard Reference Materials® as well as articles and practice guides describing the development, analysis and use of SRMs.

NIST Standard Reference Materials are used by analytical laboratories in industry, academia and government in order to facilitate commerce and trade and to advance research and development. The SRMs are produced by the engineering laboratory, the material measurement laboratory, and the physical measurement laboratory at NIST. They are available for chemical composition, physical properties, and engineering materials.