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Customized Conductivity standard solutions produced in compliance with UNI CEI EN ISO 17034:2017 /// VALUES BETWEEN 1,31 AND 4,99 µS/cm /// Single bottle, Product shelf life 3 months from purchase /// The values given refer to the reference temperature of 25 °C


Certificate of Analysis (specimen)

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CHEMIFARM, founded in 1984, is a supplier of reagents, instruments and services to chemical and microbiological analysis laboratories in the industrial, research and education sectors. It is ISO 9001 certified since 1999 and accredited by Accredia since 2005.

CHEMIFARM’s RMP Production Laboratory N. 186 is accredited according to the UNI CEI EN ISO 17034 standard for the production of the following reference materials:

  • pH Buffer solutions
  • Conductivity Solutions
  • Brix Values/Degrees Brix (°Bx)
  • Refractometry Solutions/Refractive Index

With the extension of the 186R Accreditation Table to the low and high conductivity scale, Chemifarm is the only center in Europe capable of producing synthetic materials in solution at such low electrolytic conductivity values (0.6 μS/cm).