A cannabis plant with the sun rising in the background
A cannabis plant with the sun rising in the background

CIL Testing Standards for Cannabinoids and Common Pesticide Contaminants

Cannabinoid Standards

Research suggests the cannabis plant produces between 80-100 cannabinoids, primarily cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The manufacture and sale of products derived from cannabis is regulated by a variety of laws internationally due to the psychoactive effects associated with THC and medicinal claims related to CBD. High-purity native and stable isotope-labeled standards are necessary for quantification and qualification of a wide range of cannabinoid products, including textiles, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and foods and beverages.

CIL has developed stable-isotope labeled and native standards of THC, CBD and other cannabinoids to assist researchers with their testing needs.

Mycotoxins, pesticide residues and heavy metals analysis

To support the growing cannabis industry, we also offer CIL’s individual stable isoptope labeled and native standards of common pesticides that are required for cannabis testing in the US and Canada.

You'll also find additional CIL pesticide standards as well as mycotoxin standards and standards for heavy metals testing.

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