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This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended primarily for the verification of the maximum force measured dynamically using a Charpy machine equipped with an instrumented 8-mm striker, in accordance with the current ASTM Standard E2298 or the current ISO Standard 14556. A unit of NIST-2113 consists of a set of four specimens needed to perform a single verification. NIST-2113 can also be used to verify the absorbed energy scale of the impact machine at the low-energy level. When testing is performed at room temperature, the force and absorbed energy scales can be verified simultaneously. This SRM can also be used to verify the absorbed energy scale at a test temperature of -40 °C, but no force information is available at this temperature. NIST-2113 is made from 4340 alloy steel. The bars are finished to length,stamped, heat-treated, and machined in SRM specimen lots of approximately 1200 to 2000 specimens. Each specimen has a lot number and an identification number (three or four digits). /// Sample value(s) - please ask for current certificate.




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NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST bietet über 1300 Standardreferenzmaterialien sowie Artikel und Praxisleitfäden, die die Entwicklung, Analyse und Verwendung von SRMs beschreiben.

NIST-Standardreferenzmaterialien werden von analytischen Laboratorien in Industrie, Wissenschaft und Regierung verwendet, um Handel und Gewerbe zu erleichtern und Forschung und Entwicklung voranzutreiben. Die SRMs werden vom Ingenieurlabor, dem Materialmesslabor und dem physikalischen Messlabor des NIST hergestellt. Sie stehen für chemische Zusammensetzung, physikalische Eigenschaften und technische Materialien zur Verfügung.