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This Reference Material (RM) is intended for use in developing and evaluating methods for measuring relative differences in boron (B) isotope-number ratios, R( 11B/10B). It is specifically designed to evaluate B isotope-number ratio measurements normalized to SRM 951 (hereafter designated as Delta11BSRM951 or simply Delta11B measurements) in marine carbonate samples. Even though the Delta11B values are reported as reference and not certified values, the use of NIST-8301 will serve as an effective harmonization standard to improve the comparability of data among different laboratories. A unit of NIST-8301 consists of three vials each of two simulated solutions, labeled as RM 8301 (Coral) and RM 8301 (Foram), each containing approximately 4 mL of a gravimetrically prepared solution with a nominal 50 mg/g mass fraction of calcium in approximately 3 mol/L nitric acid in water. The synthetic materials have been designed to reflect typical Delta11B values and trace element content of authentic coral skeleton and foraminiferal test (invertebrate shell) samples (hence the Coral or Foram designations in NIST-8301).






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NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST bietet über 1300 Standardreferenzmaterialien sowie Artikel und Praxisleitfäden, die die Entwicklung, Analyse und Verwendung von SRMs beschreiben.

NIST-Standardreferenzmaterialien werden von analytischen Laboratorien in Industrie, Wissenschaft und Regierung verwendet, um Handel und Gewerbe zu erleichtern und Forschung und Entwicklung voranzutreiben. Die SRMs werden vom Ingenieurlabor, dem Materialmesslabor und dem physikalischen Messlabor des NIST hergestellt. Sie stehen für chemische Zusammensetzung, physikalische Eigenschaften und technische Materialien zur Verfügung.