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This Reference Material (RM) is intended primarily for evaluation of methods for determining isoflavones in solid oral dosage forms containing soy and in similar matrices. This RM can also be used for quality assurance when assigning values to in-house reference materials. A unit of RM 8188 consists of 5 packets, each packet containing approximately 2.6 g of material. The development of RM 8188 was a collaboration between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements (NIH-ODS). Due to the lack of measurement capability at NIST to maintain the certified mass fractions values of isoflavones, SRM 3238 no longer meets international quality standards (ISO 17034) for serving as a certified reference material. However, the material continues to meet ISO 17034 standards as a reference material and is thus being offered as RM 8188. /// Sample value(s) - please ask for current report of investigation.




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NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST bietet über 1300 Standardreferenzmaterialien sowie Artikel und Praxisleitfäden, die die Entwicklung, Analyse und Verwendung von SRMs beschreiben.

NIST-Standardreferenzmaterialien werden von analytischen Laboratorien in Industrie, Wissenschaft und Regierung verwendet, um Handel und Gewerbe zu erleichtern und Forschung und Entwicklung voranzutreiben. Die SRMs werden vom Ingenieurlabor, dem Materialmesslabor und dem physikalischen Messlabor des NIST hergestellt. Sie stehen für chemische Zusammensetzung, physikalische Eigenschaften und technische Materialien zur Verfügung.