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This Standard Reference Material (SRM®) is a frozen fish tissue homogenate, which was prepared from lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush namaycush) collected from Lake Superior (U.S./Canada), and is intended primarily for use in evaluating analytical methods for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, chlorinated pesticides, fatty acids (including omega-3 fatty acids), extractable fat, methylmercury, total mercury, and selected trace elements in fish tissue and similar matrices. Information is also provided for proximates and caloric content. All of the constituents for which certified, reference, and information values are provided, are naturally present in the fish tissue homogenate. A unit of NIST-1946 consists of five bottles, each containing approximately 7 g to 9 g (wet basis) of frozen tissue homogenate. Reference concentrations for PCBs, pesticides, fatty acids, proximates and caloric content. Certified values /// Sample value(s) - please ask for current certificate.




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NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST bietet über 1300 Standardreferenzmaterialien sowie Artikel und Praxisleitfäden, die die Entwicklung, Analyse und Verwendung von SRMs beschreiben.

NIST-Standardreferenzmaterialien werden von analytischen Laboratorien in Industrie, Wissenschaft und Regierung verwendet, um Handel und Gewerbe zu erleichtern und Forschung und Entwicklung voranzutreiben. Die SRMs werden vom Ingenieurlabor, dem Materialmesslabor und dem physikalischen Messlabor des NIST hergestellt. Sie stehen für chemische Zusammensetzung, physikalische Eigenschaften und technische Materialien zur Verfügung.