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Prolene® thin - film is a two constituent element combination of carbon and hydrogen. The light carbon and hydrogen element constituents together with gauge thinness translate into mass attenuation coefficients providing high % Transmittance values, an advantage for investigating the less energetic (KeV) analyte spectral lines in low element concentrations. Prolene® represents a good general purpose thin - film for most chemical solution samples excepting for those consisting of aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, and ethers. It also is characterized with a relatively high sample retention tensile strength for safely containing samples in their sample cups. Prolene® thin - film is available in 3.0 and 4.0 µm gauges and in SpectroMembrane®® Carrier Frames.





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Chemplex Industries, Inc.

Chemplex Industries, Inc. entwickelt und fertigt seit 1971 innovative, hochwertige Probenbecher, Dünnfilm-Probenträger und andere Laborverbrauchsmaterialien für die Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse. Der Großteil der Chemplex-Produkte wird in-house in den USA hergestellt.

Unsere Produktpalette von Chemplex umfasst:

  • XRF-Dünnschicht-Probenträgerfolien, Fenster und Fensterrahmen
  • XRF-Probenbecher
  • Probenvorbereitungsgeräte und -materialien (SpectroPress® Pelletpressen, Pressforme, Additive, Bindemittel und mehr)