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At one time, Mylar® thin - film was the only substance used in the XRF spectrochemical field and supplied only in roll form. With the passage of time, Chemplex® introduced the expansion of the Mylar® product line to include additional gauges and all other forms of physical presentation such as pre - cut square sheets, pre - cut circles, perforated pre - cut squares in rolls and recently in SpectroMembrane® Carrier Frames. Mylar® is a relatively good thin - film substance for general purpose aqueous sample solution containment. It has an excellent sample retention tensile strength. It is not suitable for containing aliphatic alcohols, alkalies, esters, aromatic hydrocarbons and keytones.





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Chemplex Industries, Inc.

Chemplex Industries, Inc. entwickelt und fertigt seit 1971 innovative, hochwertige Probenbecher, Dünnfilm-Probenträger und andere Laborverbrauchsmaterialien für die Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse. Der Großteil der Chemplex-Produkte wird in-house in den USA hergestellt.

Unsere Produktpalette von Chemplex umfasst:

  • XRF-Dünnschicht-Probenträgerfolien, Fenster und Fensterrahmen
  • XRF-Probenbecher
  • Probenvorbereitungsgeräte und -materialien (SpectroPress® Pelletpressen, Pressforme, Additive, Bindemittel und mehr)