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The certified values delivered by this Standard Reference Material (SRM) are intended for validating methods for determining the stiffness of atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilevers as well as directly calibrating AFM test cantilevers using the reference cantilever method. A unit of NIST-3461 consists of one silicon microfabricated device approximately 1.6 mm by 3.0 mm containing an array of seven (7) uniform, rectangular cantilevers of varying length and stiffness at the end. Each cantilever is nominally 50 µm wide and 1.45 µm thick with lengths of 300 µm to 600 µm in steps of 50 µm (from left to right in the image in Figure 1, see certificate, the lengths are 300 µm, 400 µm, 500 µm, 600 µm, 550 µm, 450 µm, 350 µm). Each unit has a unique serial number etched onto the lower portion of the device surface (see certificate). The device comes adhered to a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) gel film in a protective antistatic enclosure with a removable top. It can be used as-is by temporarily removing the top or could be carefully transferred to an appropriate alternative holder.



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NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST bietet über 1300 Standardreferenzmaterialien sowie Artikel und Praxisleitfäden, die die Entwicklung, Analyse und Verwendung von SRMs beschreiben.

NIST-Standardreferenzmaterialien werden von analytischen Laboratorien in Industrie, Wissenschaft und Regierung verwendet, um Handel und Gewerbe zu erleichtern und Forschung und Entwicklung voranzutreiben. Die SRMs werden vom Ingenieurlabor, dem Materialmesslabor und dem physikalischen Messlabor des NIST hergestellt. Sie stehen für chemische Zusammensetzung, physikalische Eigenschaften und technische Materialien zur Verfügung.