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The mineral species include: quartz (25.8%), orthoclase (21.0%), albite (15.2%), aegerina-augita (9.8%), aegirine (7.6%), hematite/magnetite (5.0%), zircon (4.3%), biotite (4.2%), allanite-(La) (2.6%), gadolinita-(Sm) (1.7%), murataita and fluorite (0.5%), calcite (0.4%), titanite (0.3%), columbite (0.2%), lourenswalsita,iIlmenite, chromferide, sphalerite, anorthite and granate (all at 0.1%), fergusonite (0.07%), bastnasite andekanite (each at 0.06%), apatite and allanite-(Ce) (each at 0.04%), ferrosaponite and pyrite (each at 0.02%), and actinolite, ferro-actinolite, wollastonite, parisite and monazite (each at 0.01%). /// The raw material was crushed, ground and sieved. The recovery of the minus 75 ?m (200 mesh) fraction was 58%. /// a) Either no sets were received using digestion by two acids (hydrochloric and nitric acids) or the sets using digestion by two acids were declared method outliers based on statistical tests. / b) The mean is based mainly on data from samples of 1 to 2 grams ignited for 1 to 2 hours at 900 to 1050°C. / c) The mean is based mainly on data derived from various complete digestion methods.




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